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Fog Sanitizer (For fogging/smoke machine) 5 Litre - 6pcs packing

RM 414.00
Fog Sanitizer (For fogging/smoke machine) 5 Litre - 6pcs packing Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Name : Fog Sanitizer
Packing : 5L
Dilution : Ready to Use

Packing: 6pcs per carton

FOG SANITIZER is a fogging chemical with quaternary ammonium compound which will disinfectant, sanitize and deodorize. It is effective in against a broad spectrum of bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae, virus, gram negative and gram positive organisms eg, staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

It was created mainly to deliver sanitizer in fog form which will create super micron size droplet that will effectively cover all uneven surface as compare to normal spraying method.

It is non-corrosive to most plastics, natural rubber, stainless steel make it suitable for use as a sanitizer, deodorizer for food processing areas and as a general sanitizer for none food processing area.

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