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  • SF Sanitizer - NSF Registration.jpg
  • Sf Sanitizer ( technical bulletin) - 16062020-1.jpg
  • Sf Sanitizer ( technical bulletin) - 16062020-2.jpg
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Multi Usage Disinfectant - SF Sanitizer 25 Liter

RM 285.00
Multi Usage Disinfectant - SF Sanitizer 25 Liter Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Name :SF Sanitizer
Packing : 25 Liter
Dilution : Food grade = 2.5ml/liter / Fogging = 7.5 to 10ml/liter

Chempro SF Sanitizer is a premix multi usage disinfectant which eliminate bacteria effectively.

  • General sanitizing that is ideal for multiple workplace surfaces and areas
  • Food grade sanitizer
  • Alcohol free.
  • Safe on all surfaces
  • Effective against most germs, bacteria and viruses
  • Ideal to use in hospital, education center, day care center, shopping mall, any public area

General Use Directions :

(I) For Food Preparing area and Equipment 

Before sanitizing, scrap excessive soil and clean the surface of equipment or food preparation area. It is recommended to sanitize the surface at 200 ppm concentration (2.5 ml/litre). No rinsing is required at 200 ppm. However, sanitizing at 400-800 ppm (5 – 10 ml/litre) needs thorough rinsing with water after sanitizing.  

(II) Specific Application-Vegetables cleaning 

1. Rinse vegetables to remove soil and other impurities. 

2. Use SF SANITIZER at 2.5ml/litre (200ppm). 

3. Soak for 15-20 minutes or longer time depending on requirement. 

4. Rinse after soaking 

(III) Foot bath area 

Recommended dosage for foot bath application is 600-800 ppm which is 7.5-10 ml/litre. 

IV) For Non Food Preparing area – 

Not Directly contact with food For non food contact area , severe contaminated area, recommended dosage at 1 part of SF Sanitizer with 5 parts of water or more depending on condition. Mop or wipe the surface to be sanitized with SF and no rinsing is required after the application. Recommended dosage for mopping the floor is 10ml/litre (800ppm). For best results, clean the surface prior to the sanitizing process. 

(V) For Fogging /Misting 

Prior to fogging/misting, wet the surface with 600-800 ppm solution. Subsequently fog/mist using a 800-1000 ppm (10-12.5ml/litre) solution until the atmosphere reaches dew point. Ingredient:

 Quaternary Based Antimocrobial  <15%

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